The newly-revamped Jennifer Hudson has returned after going through her own personal tribulations with a brand new album that she has set to release tomorrow (March 22). Her debut album was released in 2008 and now three years later, her highly anticipated sophomore ‘I Remember Me’ is finally complete.

The Oscar-winning starlet worked with numerous amounts of artists during the production process of the album, some of them Grammy Award-winning artists between the writing and the production of a good amount of her tracks. Hudson recently sat down with MTV News to discuss the details into her upcoming album and her experiences working with R. Kelly and Alicia Keys amongst others.

“R. Kelly was writing for me at the time, and I didn’t even know it, and they just sent me this song. You don’t want to get your hopes up too high of being able to work with someone like R. Kelly, and when they sent the song, they told me, ‘Kelly put up a shrine of pictures of you to channel you, and he created this song.”

And channel her, he did. Hudson continues to explains how eerie it was that Kelly had Hudson’s style and idea down ‘almost perfect.

“It was kind of creepy to me, because when I heard the song, I was like, ‘Oh my god! … He’s, like, giving me me! This is what I would do! This is something I would say.’ And I hadn’t even met him until after … and I’m like, ‘This is bizarre.’”

Hudson had similar experiences with that of Alicia Keys, who also worked with her on several tracks on the forthcoming album.

“I must say that working with Alicia was my favorite sessions in the recording studio ever, and I think it was partly because … it was a learning experience. She’s just amazing to work with. We had such a good time together. … It was an amazing, fun experience.”

‘I Remember Me’ is officially set to be released tomorrow March 22.

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