305DJS: I recently heard that you’re working on a new album how has that been going and when can people expect that to drop?
Jim Jones: The album has been going good I’m finishing it now so people can expect that in September.
305DJS: What are some producers you’re working with for the album?
Jim Jones: I did some beats myself the most wanted in the industry right now The Runners, Zoe -Comp just who ever had that Ryder music at the time.
305DJs: What’s your process when you’re making your album?
Jim Jones: My albums are pretty much just based off of me and my lifestyle and the people I run with everyday. I normally take off about 5 months as far as music and I go hard.
305DJS: What have you learned from your previous 2 albums that will help you not make the same mistake on the third album?
Jim Jones: The last time out I had three singles but I put them out back to back to back I’ve learned I have to leak one single at a time and it equals out to more sales so that’s what I’m going to do on this album.
305DJS: What do you listen for when choosing beats for your album?
Jim Jones: I listen to a lot of beats all the time and I just wait till I hear that special one I never now who did the beat or where it came from. I’ll hear it and be like that’s it I want that beat find out who the producer is and the rest is history.
305DJS: How has the "A&R" position been going for you over at Warner?
Jim Jones: It’s cool it’s a learning experience I get the chance to work on both sides of the fence on the executive side and the artists side it’s a good thing.
305DJS: Describe your style of music because it sometimes has a west coast/southern flavor?
Jim Jones: I say its Ryder music what I make what ever you doing how ever you hustling where ever you from you could ride to it.
305DJS: What’s next for Jim Jones and the Diplomats?
Jim Jones: I got a DVD coming out on June 27th. Its called "A Day in The Fast life" Cam’ron is filming the second part to Killa Season the movie Juelz Santana is in the studio recording his album. J.R. Writer and Hell Rell album will be out this summer we just moving.
305DJS: Which do you prefer making the music, Directing, A&R, Liquor or other ventures?
Jim Jones: I just prefer to hustle pretty much and doing anything I want do as far as making money so that’s what I enjoy the most the hustle and do different things.
305DJS: On this third album is it dropping on Koch or are you working with a major label?
Jim Jones: It’s still on Koch and I’m going to go hard on Koch and I’m going to do some numbers this time.
305DJS: For those that don’t know explain the difference between being independent on Koch compared to being on a major like an Atlantic?
Jim Jones: The real deal is its no difference Koch has there own distribution and does things on a lesser scale then a def Jam or an Atlantic but the money is the same an sometimes more cause I get bigger advances then most major artists.
305DJS: Describe a day in the life of Jim Jones?
Jim Jones: 10:00am I’m kick boxing, 1:00pm I’m in the gym, 3:00pm I’m in the office, 7:00pm I’m in the hood, 10:00pm I’m in the studio, 3:00am I’m in the club, 6:00am I’m home, 10:00am I’m up again ready for another day.
305DJS: Who does Jim Jones listen to outside of The Diplomat Family when you’re riding around in the city?
Jim Jones: I listen to everybody I even listen to people I cant stand I’m a fan of the music not just because I got a problem with you I don’t listen to your songs I wont be bopping to it at the club but if its hot I’ll fuck with it.
305DJS: Any last words?
Jim Jones: DVD June.27 my album is coming in September Dipset the streets is ours if there’s a problem holla at the kid.
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