According to MTO, JoJo Simmons latest scandal occurred last night, when Simmons was abducted by street dudes – and forced to pay the HOOD TAX before being released.

Here’s what we know, JoJo was partying with a bunch of celebrity friends, including Quincy Combs and popular rapper Hazel E, at a popular Houston strip club. All of his friends left the club at around 3 AM, but JoJo stayed – by himself.

When JoJo attempted to leave, approximately an hour later, he was approached by a group of GOONS who took him into a back room and held him against his will. The men claimed that JoJo owed them money, but its not clear why or how, since JoJo had never met any of them.

JoJo was smart though, and he paid up, and was allowed to leave. is told that JoJo was manhandled, and was roughed up, but suffered no serious injuried. We’re were also told that JoJo has no plans of “snitching” to the police.