Yesterday news broke of, Juice Wrld, dying at an airport at the age of 21 after his private jet landed in Chicago. Juice WRLD died from a seizure.

Dr. Robert J. Bos of Castle Connnolly in Manhattan spoke with HollywoodLife and said “Seizures (epilepsy) are uncontrolled electrical discharges in the brain causing the body’s muscles to contract randomly,”
“During these episodes people can bite their tongue (jaw muscles contracting) and also breathe in (aspirate) their own secretions and or vomit. This in turn causes the lungs to swell (pulmonary edema) and stop working which will then stop the heart from lack of oxygen.”.
“Flying can set off an episode when people hyperventilate in the plane from anxiety and lower levels of oxygen,” he explained before adding “Epilepsy [or] seizures can happen at any age and can also be caused by other conditions: brain tumor, stroke, drugs.”
Juice WRLD had a real addiction to lean & pills, and it only got worse with success. We send out our condolences and payers out to Juice and his family!
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