What??? I was unaware that teaching at a fashion school was part of Kanye’s punishment for beating up that paparazzi.

Remember West was sentenced to 24 months probation, 24 therapy sessions for anger management and 250 hours of community service kicking that paparazzo behind . Some say Kanye went to far because he brutally beat the young paparazzo, Daniel Ramon. Others say Daniel deserved the beating for disrespecting him at LAX airport. I dont care what he said once you put your hands on someone you better be ready for the consequences, so it better be worth it.

According to TMZ, on Monday morning Kanye arrived at L.A. Trade Technical College.
We all know he was ordered to complete community service, but Mr.West was actually  teaching the young fashion students. So I guess highly famous Kanye can’t pick up trash on the side of the side of the road, lol child boo….

Kanye got a lil run in fashion, and now he is considered an influential person in the fashion industry… I dont know, he sure is something else…. 

Well sweet deal Kanye, Im sure the students will see this as a huge opportunity.


