We recently reported that Mario was arrested for attacking his mother— he has since then been released on bond and his reps had this to say regarding the incident.

“This is an unfortunate incident between a loving son and a mother who continues to struggle with a devastating addiction. Anyone who has waged the battle to save loved ones from the forces of drugs knows the irrational behavior that almost always accompanies their actions. Despite the allegations, Mario remains committed to supporting his mother,” the representative said.

The representative also told the media that since Mario’s release on bail, “He has returned home and is working at getting his mother back into a treatment center for her recent relapse for drugs.”

According to rollingout.com “Shawntia (Mario’s mom_ had relapsed back into her heroin habit and was using Mario’s debit card to purchase the substance (dealers are taking debit cards now?). When Mario reportedly returned home and discovered her shenanigans, he confronted her and she became enraged, sparking the shoving match between the two.  She then called 911 on her “mental case” son. The incident occured in the early morning hours of Oct. 1.”

Wow. Looks like both Mario and his mother need help. Stay tuned to 24hourhiphop.com for more news on this developing story.

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