Tyson Beckford’s former lover has come forward with an X-rated sex tape reportedly featuring the model/actor.
A 45-minute video of Beckford pleasuring himself during a recent internet chat with an unidentified female model is being shopped to bosses in the adult entertainment industry.
Beckford’s representative has yet to acknowledge the rumor but on Sunday the 41 year old appeared to confirm the tape’s, one-man-show exisists, in a series of posts via his Twitter.
He tweeted, “Don’t even faze me (sic), we all do it, just mine got caught on film… sad that it was a woman who had it to release it! I don’t even care…. male models don’t bring in a lot of viewers, it would flop… Sad but life goes on… sad what women will do for $.”
Even if it doesn’t bring in alot of viewers, I for one will be watching it LOL. What about you…will you be catching a peek?
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