There has been a lot of speculation lately as to if Nas will actually be dropping his LP
“Nigger” anytime soon or not.  Well it looks like it may be coming sooner
than we think as he has just released a new track off the LP called
appropriately, “Be A Nigger Too”. 

The song takes a different take on the word nigger by saying
everyone is a nigger in some way or another, even name checking  prominent
white celebrities as well. “Not mad cause Eminem said Ni**er/Cause he’s my
Ni**er/Wigger/Cracker friend/We all black within/ We all African within/Some
African’s don’t like us no way/A killin happened in Johannesburg yesterday.”
 Nas doesn’t stop there on the song, as the chorus is sure to offend even
more. He uses almost every known derogatory word for minorities there is but
adding nigger to the end of all of them.  “Kike niggers, Spic niggers,
Guinea niggers, Chink niggers, don’t you wanna be a nigger too?” Nas hasn’t
released any statement on the song except for that it was meant to “Unite and
embrace all niggers.”

Well then.  I really don’t know where he’s going with
this whole album as it seems just like a ploy to me and I don’t care how many
songs he releases on his own I can’t see Universal releasing an album called
“Nigger”. These record labels are businesses and they have stockholders, some
of which I’m sure would not approve of this. The bottom line is if it would
cost them more to release the album then it would if they didn’t they won’t
release it. I love Nas though so I hope either he gets his mind right or the
label takes a big gamble and actually releases the album.