Nicki Minaj aired out her frustrations via Twitter about the health care crisis and its affects on the late comedian and “Moesha” star Yvette Wilson.


“What’s sad is that when Yvette was bringing home the bacon, the gov’t was probably taking millions. On her deathbed though, #NoWhereToBeFound,” Nicki tweeted.


Nicki even directed her tweets to President Obama. “That should be a God given right! Even with Obama Care, too much involved. Just give FREE health care to all. @barackobama What can we do?” she tweeted. “@BarackObama I wouldn’t mind the millions they took if it was going to healthcare. Why should a poor person struggle to pay for MEDS sir?”


She added, “@BarackObama I don’t understand why people have to worry about their ‘medical bills’ while they’re on their DEATH BEDS Mr. President”


Hear what others had to say, #FreeHealthcareForAll AMERICANS: