There has been much talk concerning the safety of presidential hopeful Barack Obama, with fears being heightened now that the election is so close. Assassinations of presidents have happened in the past, much less candidates and extra security measures have been placed for Obama. Yesterday ATF agents came across a plot that showed the fears may have been well warranted.

            Two Tennessee men have been charged with plotting to kill Obama as well as go on a bloody rampage in a local area high school, killing and maiming both whites and blacks. Jim Cavanough, special agent and head of the Nashville ATF field office, said the two men were local skinheads and planned to rob a gun store first then begin the high school terror where their plans were to shoot 88 African-Americans and decapitate 14 others. The numbers 88 and 14 for some reason have significance in the twisted world of white supremacy.

            After their local work they said they would of took it straight to Obama and either would have got the job done or die trying.  According to Cavanaugh, “they said that would be their last, final act-that they would attempt to kill Senator Obama. They didn’t believe they would be able to do it, but they would get killed trying.”

            It is unclear yet what these two will be charged with or if they were working with anybody else. The ATF nor any rep for the suspects have given any further comments.