Two Hip-Hop Icons Rock the Bells in NY

Long Island, NY – News has been buzzing all over the media about the spectacular performance that Nas gave during the Rock the Bells concert this past Sunday night in Long Island, New York. Legendary is the word I would use for the biggest unexpected surprise that could occur in any concert in the city that never sleeps. Nas respectively invited Jay-Z to join him on stage in a brilliant performance. If you grew up listening to the likes of Hova and the Nasty Nas, then you understand how important and amazing this event was in Hip-Hop history.

With the assistance of a live band backing Nas, Jay-Z made a grand entrance by walking out behind Nas to the intro to the track ‘Success,’ the crowd obviously went wild. It was a once in a lifetime experience to actually see both Jay and Nas side by side as if the lyrical controversy never occurred or that it subsided to the point where we will never discuss the past ever again.

Jay quickly addressed Nas and began his verse:

“Nas, let that bitch breathe, I used to give a fuck, now I give a fuck less, what do I think of success? It sucks.”

The track quickly transitioned into the ‘Black Republican’ as the Godfather in inspired beat filled the entire environment, the crowd reacted quickly throwing up their Roc-A-Fella diamond hand insignias in the air. Nas’ performance throughout the whole night kept the crowd on their feet and their head-nodding the whole segment. It was a historic sight to see Jay-Z and Nas stand side by side with mics in hand with Jay sporting a Yankees cap and Nas sporting a Mets cap proving that New York was on point.

At press time, Jay-Z has confirmed that he will begin to record his next studio album after he has completed his touring; speculators are that stating that Timbaland has signed on to produce the entire album that has yet to be titled, but that has not been officially confirmed.

Everything Hov puts out is a Platinum record, so if Timbo wants to produce the next album, it might actually sound good. Either way, it will be another masterpiece. As with the Nas performance with Jay-Z, magnificent historic show that will never be forgotten by anyone, that you can count on.

50 Cent Sheds Some Light on his Involvement in Detox

New York, NY – As we are all aware the long-awaited Dr. Dre album ‘Detox’ has been in the media with circulating news for some time now and we continue to patiently wait for that highly anticipated LP to finally hit shelves. With this album, not only will we finally hear some new material from Dre, we’ll practically be hearing new material from everyone on the Aftermath label including the long dormant Eminem, whom we almost forgot. Recently, the G-Unit leader spoke to MTV News and opened up a new chapter in this everlasting ‘Detox’ album. These were 50’s comments on that particular album.

I recorded material with Dr. Dre for the Detox, it’s great. I want it back. I want the records back.”

50 was obviously joking when he made that statement, but initially he’s omitting that Dre keeps those tracks until his release and it just sits and waits for the world to hear.

He has the music. It’s right there in the computer. I stop by [his studio] every time and get something that adds something significant to my project each time [I’m about to put a record out]. And I spend three or four days there. To me, he’s the best producer in the game. When I walk in the studio, I record the first [beat] that comes on regardless if I think it’s a hit record or not. We get in work mode, get comfortable and go through the material that’s in the computer. Dre always has hit records. Sometimes, artists that need producers, they need someone to create a direction for them musically. I need the jewels he’s just got laying around. He don’t gotta tell me what to do with it. All he has to do is say, ‘Track six.’ Or, ‘Go to track eight.’ He’ll have hits playing there. You just have to get in and get them.”

Just like us, 50 is also clueless on the official release date, but anticipates its release just like everyone else.

“Hopefully he’ll get it done and put it out. I’m waiting for the Detox. All I can say is, Dr. Dre is the best producer in my eyes. Just the consistency over the years, he knows what he wants. He’s such a perfectionist that it becomes difficult for him to put it out.”

At press time, ‘Detox’ has been confirmed to be Dre’s third and final LP as an artist. Many producers and artists have already confirmed their involvement in the final project, but are also unaware of the album’s actual timeframe of release. As of July 2008, artists Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, and Nas have been confirmed to be featured on the album.

On the real, this album has been in the works literally since 2004. The anticipation has been rising for the past 4 years. The most interesting part about this album is that, oddly enough, there not been any leaks of tracks up so ever. Rumor has it that Dre has recorded over 100 beats for this album and are still in the process of choosing tracks to make the cut. It has been said that ‘Detox’ might hit shelves sometime this summer, but is just speculation. All I got to say is, “Dammit, hurry the fuck up!”

Weed on the Snoop Express

Dallas, TX – Another day, another tour bus carrying an influential Hip-Hop artist is pulled over and searched for drugs, and go figure, there is drug paraphernalia on that bus. Nothing ever changes. West Coast icon, Snoop Dogg, had his bus recently pulled over and searched. Hours before a concert in Dallas, authorities arrested two people on that bus on charges of marijuana possession.

Snoop Dogg’s tour bus was pulled over initially due to an expired registration tag. The authorities apparently smelled the scent of marijuana coming from the bus and quickly searched the commercial vehicle. They found two ounces of marijuana on the bus. According to the Associated Press, two men came forward admitted to the possession and were apprehended. Ethan Calhoun, 27, and Kevin Barkey, 26, were arrested on possession of marijuana and were taken into custody at the Navarro county jail. Their bail was set at $1500. Snoop, however, was not arrested in this matter.

At press time, both men were released on bail and are awaiting trial. If convicted both are facing a six month term in a state penitentiary.

It is quite obvious those two men took the weed charge for Snoop, either that he wouldn’t missed the concert and fucked himself up, yet again.