So every Friday from now until xmas is supposed to be G.O.O.D! For those of you that haven’t been keeping up with the times, G.O.O.D Friday occurs every Friday where yours truly, Mr. West sends out free music. Well this Friday wont be looking too G.O.O.D for all of you Kanye fans. No new music will be leaked today because some hacker got his hands on kanye’s music and leaked it to the masses. The song “Lost In The World” was not ready to be leaked but it got out any way! Although Kanye has received awesome reviews on the song he was still tweeting things like:

“Due to blogs leaking unfinished songs from my actual album I’ve decided to pass of Good Fridays this week,”

“It’s messed up that one hacker can mess everything up for everyone… I love to take a year to finish my songs and deliver them.”

“It would have seemed like since I give free music every week even the lowest form of human being would respect that enough not to leak… unfinished songs from my real album…”

I feel ya Kanye, I mean come on guys he is giving you free stuff every week. Guess we have to look forward to G.O.O.D Friday next week.

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