"The 1.26 grams of cocaine was found in his pocket," the source told Gulf News, while also confirming that Austin is still in police custody. Austin has been held without bail at a Rashidya police station in Dubai for more than a month.
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Austin was formally charged with possession of 1.26 grams of cocaine during an arraignment-like hearing this morning. On Sunday Austin’s lawyers will be able to present his defense.
Another report, published in United Arab Emirate paper the Khaleej Times, reported that after the May 20th customs search discovered a tablet and a piece of paper with drugs in Austin’s pocket, a baggage search resulted in the police confiscating one gram of heroin and steroid capsules. A police source for the Times told the paper Austin admitted to bringing drugs into Dubai during his interrogation.
"He told the investigation officers that he bought the drugs in the US for his personal use and forgot to remove it from his bag and pocket before he came here. The confiscated drugs were sent to the Forensic Laboratory. A urine test was also conducted."
Legal experts in the UAE have said that if found guilty Austin will likely face a four-year imprisonment.
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