Miami Beach, FL. – Last Saturday (April 5), recently signed Strictly Business artist, SoFla, held a mixtape release signing for his present and new fans at Workmen’s Clothing located in South Beach on Washington Avenue. It was a great event for the community and music lovers alike as he was out there personally shaking hands with everyone and presenting himself to people that were interested in getting to know the man behind the music. SoFla also passed out his own mixtape to fans that attended the event.


Throughout the evening, they had B-Boy battles and rap freestyles amongst the people that attended with a Live DJ on the ones and twos. At the end of the day, everyone got to meet SoFla as he mingled with everyone on a real humble level. All in all, it was a great turnout for those that attended.


Look out for SoFla’s exclusive interview with Coming real soon!

Official Mixtape Cover

