According to duo producers the Trackslayerz, rapper
will be making an “aggressive” comeback in 2010. They
believe his upcoming single “I’m Back,” will remind the fans of his
lyrical ability, street swag, and the reason he is the self proclaimed
“King of the South.” 

“This record right here kinda reminds me of the
Urban Legend
T.I.,” said Trackslayerz’ Price,
referring to the rapper’s 2004 album. “But it’s from the point of when
he got locked up. It’s no fall off [with] the lyricism. It’s like he’s
completely focused
. T.I. went extremely hard. He went

Obviously Tip’s prison bid has sparked more creativity, lyricism, and according to Trackslayerz’ Inf, more aggression. This is what Inf had to say regarding the new T.I.:

 “The track is hard. It brings you
back to the old T.I. It’s like a ‘U Don’t Know Me’ type track. It’s
pretty hard. He’s coming back with the aggressive, mean kind of swag.
It’s definitely a [street single]. It’s a combination of things. He’s
kinda addressing that he’s been on a little hiatus with the jail
sentence and don’t worry about that [because] he hasn’t fallen off.
[Some] people feel a certain way about his situation and his sentencing
and that he may have gotten off easy, but really it’s just the man
saying don’t even worry about that, he’s the King of the South.”

A lot of his fans are anxious to see what heat will emerge. So will T.I. make a banging comeback or terribly disappoint? We will see!

Xzibit Speaks on Writing His Lyrics as Oppose to Mentally Penning Like Jay-Z and Lil Wayne

Recently, former MTV’s Pimp My Ride host and West Coast rapper Xzibit explained why it is important for him to use paper when formulating his rhymes. With other rappers such as Lil Wayne and Jay-Z who are known for remembering their lines mentally as opposed to on paper, X says that he feels no pressure to do the same.

“Nope when I approach music [it] is totally different then when I used
to approach it on my other albums it’s a whole new formula, a whole new
format,” X to the Z explained in an interview. “Musically the way I
write is the same because sometimes I write with a beat without a beat
but I always write it on paper. I’m not one of these new fangled rappers
who don’t have to write sh*t down or put it in their BlackBerry, I’m
old school. What’s gonna happen in the Hip-Hop
Hall of Fame
when rappers have to put their BlackBerry’s in because they never wrote
stuff down on paper? (laughs) I want lyric sheets.”

X makes a very good point. What’s going to happen years from now when there are no records because everyone is using memory? Do you think writing down lyrics are important?

Bow Wow to Release Double Disc Album with Cash Money

Rapper Bow Wow recently took to his online blog to
announce his plans for a double disc feature album under his new label Cash
Money Records
. Although last spring, the young rapper announced
his retirement from rap, Bow Wow is now more motivated
than ever to drop his 8th studio album.

“Ok, this is the first time i
am talking about my 8th album,” he wrote Friday (March 5). “I am here
to announce that i will have a double disc album. 2 cds in 1 album.
With every album i try to be creative when it comes to a theme for my
cd’s. I have no name yet, or at least i think i do (gnr)…So why not
kill 2 birds in 1 stone and give the greenlight fans something to f*ck
with and all my male fans who just now f*cking with me and my fans such
as the ladies and all my fans that been messing with me since day 1. I
want to cater to all my demographics. I want every 1 to be pleased as
im gearing up to make my Cash Money debut. So this album is a
more of a me thing, but u all will love it. because this album is a
reflection of who i am.”

But is it too late for Bow Wow now? Does anyone actually still care?