In stores are a large part of the promo process for most
artists. However it looks like Trina
rubbed some fans the wrong way recently when she showed out at an in store.
Don’t take it from me let’s let a witness handle this one.

“Trina came to Georgia on 04/04/08 to promote her album
& was doing an in-store signings…first off I love Trina to death, I’m
like her #1 fan….buh this woman was suppose to be @ the store @ 12 until
1…she didn’t arrive @ the store until 12:55 !!! Then her bodyguard rushed
everyone & was just plain rude, I wud think Trina wud have put her employee
in his place but I Guess not !!! He wouldn’t even allow some of us to take
pictures with her !! I just feel that was rude seeing how we bought her
cd…that’s not enough for you to take a picture with us!? I don’t really blame
Trina because it wasn’t really her, but someone needs to tell her about her
bodyguard! Everyone in the store was mad @ the fact that the bodyguard was just
plain rude & was rushing people…On a good note…Trina & her
entourage of ladies were looking pretty [ FLY. ]! Trina was wearing an ed hardy
type dress with spandex & heels…pretty bomb If I may say so lol”

So Trina and her crew shitted on a few fans, this is nothing
new. Once these people wake up and put themselves back in the people’s position
then maybe we will see some change, but this wont happen for some time I’m sure.