Los Angeles, CA – The investigation into the King of Pop’s sudden death begins now that the news has finally hit home. A day has passed and many people, artists and fans alike, are still shocked by the sudden loss of such a great icon in music history; it’s hard to imagine that the Michael that we grew to love is actually gone.

According to the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office, his autopsy report could take about six to eight weeks for any toxicology results to be confirmed. Many media outlets have already reported that the autopsy is already underway.

During a press conference, Assistant Chief Ed Winter verified that no results will be released today, what was first hypothesized, but would take to eight weeks.

These were his comments to the media:

“The likelihood is very slim that we will have any results to release today because of the extensive [tests] that we’re going to be performing. We will be performing toxicology tests and an extensive exam, and it could take up to six to eight weeks before we will have the final results from the onset, from last night.”

Apparently though, if any results into Michael’s death are determined, it will be announced accordingly. However, Winter states that there is a slim chance that would happen, even if preliminary reports are released, they will be deferred.

Keep posted to 24hourhiphop.com for updated news in the ongoing case of the death of Michael Jackson.