VIBE Magazine Editor in Chief Jermaine Hall has addressed his June/July cover feature controversy days after Amber Rose accused the popular publication of printing lies from their interview.

According to Hall, the publication did not deceive anyone and stands by its authenticity.

Dear VIBE reader,

As we’re sure you’ve heard, Amber Rose has expressed some displeasure with VIBE’s June/July cover story. VIBE stands by the accuracy and reporting of the narrative. We invite you to form your own opinion, however. The Sexy Issue hits ‘stands nationwide June 7.

Jermaine Hall

VIBE Magazine

Editor in Chief

Last weekend, Rose publicly called out VIBE over her cover feature.

“Just read “my” interview in @VibeMagazine half of the story was untrue & ridiculous!,” she wrote May 28th.

“F##K that Cover F##K @VibeMagazine yall wrote a bunch of negative bullsh*t that I never said or did.”

“Yall don’t give a f*ck that I have a Mom & Family thats gonna read that fake a** sh*t I gave yall a truthful interview & Yall f##ked me.”

“I’m so sick of keeping my mouth shut I didn’t ask for this life it was handed to me I was nothing but nice to everyone I spoke to @ Vibe” (Amber Rose’s Twitter)

Within the published feature, Rose addresses her non-interest in hooking back up with ex-boyfriend/rapper Kanye West.

“People think me and Kanye are enemies, and we are not enemies. He wants the best for me, still,” she said in the magazine. “Let me say this: I still love Kanye. I will always love him as a person. I will always love him for what he’s done for me. I still always have that soft spot in my heart for him. I am not in love with him. I do not look at him in a sexual way anymore. I’m in love with someone else. I still love him as a person and want him to find happiness like I did. Everyone deserves that.” (VIBE)

She also reveals a temporary fling with NFL star Reggie Bush took place last year and life growing up.

“Me and Reggie [Bush] dated very briefly after Kanye…We were both each other’s rebound and we both knew that and were cool with that…I don’t have rich parents and it’s a struggle. I can’t just call my dad and be like, ‘Dad, my money is a little messed up. Can you buy me a car or a house? It’s not like that for me. I feel like more people will relate to my story than the Kardashians or the Hiltons.” (VIBE)