Miami, FL. – Last Thursday was quite an interesting night for the new Poe Boy signee. Billy Blue performed at one of Miami’s hot spots, Club Angels’ located in the heart of the city where he originates from, North Miami. The outcome in audience was outrageous as they came to see their fellow resident hit the stage and perform his hit songs. It was quite obvious that many of the locals knew Blue on a personal level as he was greeted by practically everybody and with a humble state of mind; Blue conversed with everyone until he had to hit the stage.

The club was almost packed to capacity as the night rode its course, fans and club goers were already restless before Blue even made his arrival. Small scuffles were already taking place due to the impatience that went on awaiting Blue’s performance. When he finally arrived at around 2:30am, he didn’t hit the stage to nearly an hour later. The reaction to Blue’s entrance was amazing; the crowd was excited to finally see Blue perform, especially in his hometown. As fans rushed the stage, the club was practically filled to the point where people were rubbing elbows and tightly packed. Blue began performing several of his songs, including the hit singles, ‘Ball Like a Dog’ and ‘Get Like Me.’ The crowd went wild as soon as ‘Ball Like A Dog’ hit the speakers, the crowd initial reaction was unexpected as they recited the words to the entire song. Blue left the last song to be ‘Get Like Me’ as it was a certifiable hit. As soon as the song hit the speakers, the crowd became even more engrossed as fights and even bigger scuffles broke out during the final verses of the song. The reaction to that song proved an escalated excitement, as the third time he performed it, the crowd practically recited all his verses in its entirety. To top off the night, Blue exhibited to the crowd his official Poe Boy insignia confirming his certified signing with Poe Boy, a sudden glaze came from a chain studded with diamonds, the crowd went wild and cheered for their North Miami brethren, he is officially the million dollar man.

Before the night ended, Miami-Dade Police interrupted the concert by gathering outside the club deter outbreaks of violence; however the people wouldn’t go without a fight. A barrage of shots rang out putting the officers in a frantic flee. Nobody was injured during the scuffle or the shootings, but apparently it just goes to show that the entire city of North Miami has got Billy Blue’s back and the love can be seen clearly.

However’ sources have confirmed to that the club owner did contact Billy Blue and stated to him, that he most likely will not be able to perform at Club Angels anymore due to the way his music fuels the crowd and the venue is not large enough or staffed with enough security to manage the crowd he draws.

Looks like Poe Boy has there hands full with this one!