Remember about a month ago we reported a rumor that normally tranquil rapper Mos Def had put some hands on a photographer at the Magic Convention in Vegas. Well now it appears those rumors were indeed true and the man Mos Def roughed up is pressing charges which has resulted in a warrant being issued for the Brooklyn rapper.


Volker Corell states that he was doing his job of taking pictures as he was an official Magic convention  photographer when Mos, who has been most known for his acting roles recently,  got extremely angry that his picture was taken. He claims Mos ripped away his camera, and threw the equipment to the ground before walking away.  Corell says obviously his property was ruined and he also suffered a large cut on his left hand. He did not press charges at the time for some unknown reason but earlier this week he pursued it and the warrant was issued yesterday, November 5.


In total Mos faces charges of felony robbery and malicious destruction of property. He has not issued a statement and it is unknown what action he will take, though we all know he can’t run forever. Stay tuned to 24Hour and we will of course keep you updated.