It seems as if hip hop & pop entertainers are the perfect fashion
forecasters these days.  No more looking through fashion magazines to
find out what’s hot and what’s not.  Its much easier to tune into MTV,
BET, You tube or and check out the top 10 videos. 
Still not a believer?  Check out the latest clips from Rihanna’s most
recent videos and look around and see how many  Faux Rihanna’s your
surrounded by.  Although it is ok to be inspired by someones style, we
all are (or their wardrobe stylist style for that matter) but ladies
it’s never cool to become an exact duplicate of someone.

HCHA Couture Tip: Add your own edge to a style you’ve already
been influenced by to make it yours! Never wear the exact thing someone
else has especially if you already have their hair style.  We still
love you Lola Love, we just think you are way too beautiful w/ too much
style to clone Rihanna, lol.