After New York rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine dropped his latest project, Tattle Tales hasn’t been the topic of a recent conversation after it didn’t hit number one on the billboard. The infamous internet troll has been very quiet for the last few days. The latest news the public has heard about was an alleged overdose. The cause of his latest hospitalization in Florida was due to an excessive intake of Hydroxycut and McDonald’s coffee. Hydroxycut is a popular dietary supplement used to cut weight rapidly. In 2009, the product maker Iovate recalled the drug after the FDA got reports of liver problems, seizures, and rhabdomyolysis, a muscle-damaging condition. Since then, the drug has improved; however, it is highly recommended to take the proper suggested dosage.
Today October 13th, Tekashi went on social media sporting a natural hair color and a growing beard. Since his release, the young rapper has been experimenting with wigs. Fans are unsure if he will keep his new look.

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